Week 9/10/11
Blummin 'eck Jim, can't believe I'm still here. So I've been smashing projects out left right and centre really. Gonna have to try and jog my memory a touch, I feel like these projects go so fast that I don't have enough time to write these blogs. But! Here I am.
So ended up learning about Point cloud scanning which is a fun but very strung out process. I feel LiDAR, or LIDaR or whatever the word is, is isn't something new in the wondrous world of 'tech' but it's actually really fun to play around with, especially when it comes to developing assets using photogramatry which is obviously a form of lidar scanning I guess. To test scanning in confined spaces we scanned my flat actually and got some impressive results, the eventual plan is to create a 1 to 1 3D model of my flat and use that within a oculus quest to create a faux MR experience and create smart surfaces and walls or whatever, basically ill be able to walk around my flat and never have a need to take my headset off.. never. so here are some screen captures we got out of Recap form that fun adventure.
Along with this I started to play with some fun AI stuff, Yes Jim it is relevant trust me. So I know AI is this annoying buzz work that people shout out at networking conferences to sound like their tech is cooler than everyone else's, like we all know that fella that goes 'uhhh yaah actually we integrate Mic-row-sof-tuh A. I. into our software' which is just big fancy words for 'we use a search algothrim to do things' but I feel there are practical industrial applications of AI. Specifically in the industrial planning stages of factories and using a somewhat faulted fake robot brain to simulation real human faults and actions, for example creating an AI that runs an fire evaquation procedure in different stages like '100% best case scenario' or 'my workers are dumb as shit and don't know where the fire exit is'. So, this is something that's in the pipeline at the moment, I'm currently in the talks with some architectural technicians to get their information on planning fire exits and also how software like this would benefit them.
wow loads of words so far, its almost like I'm just chatting shit to my computer and it's dictating it. Anyway's, we have moooore factories. so this next one was a fun one to develop really. This one was entirely down to time pressure, it will eventually be revisited in the future, but for now this is it really. The main thing I really wanted to capture and convey from this environment was the gross and desolate feeling environment, all the toxic moth balls and kicked up saw dust in the air to create that atmospheric environment. Along with the procedural windows, I'm really proud of them ok leave me along yeah (it's literally just a SubUV node with different dirt materials which frame is set to the wold x*y position, basic stuff really).
Finally, I just got playing around whilst at home and wanted to do something completly off topic so I made this Noir style scene of a New York/ American intersection. No real motive to it, I just watched goodfellas and was in that mood really.
So ended up learning about Point cloud scanning which is a fun but very strung out process. I feel LiDAR, or LIDaR or whatever the word is, is isn't something new in the wondrous world of 'tech' but it's actually really fun to play around with, especially when it comes to developing assets using photogramatry which is obviously a form of lidar scanning I guess. To test scanning in confined spaces we scanned my flat actually and got some impressive results, the eventual plan is to create a 1 to 1 3D model of my flat and use that within a oculus quest to create a faux MR experience and create smart surfaces and walls or whatever, basically ill be able to walk around my flat and never have a need to take my headset off.. never. so here are some screen captures we got out of Recap form that fun adventure.
Along with this I started to play with some fun AI stuff, Yes Jim it is relevant trust me. So I know AI is this annoying buzz work that people shout out at networking conferences to sound like their tech is cooler than everyone else's, like we all know that fella that goes 'uhhh yaah actually we integrate Mic-row-sof-tuh A. I. into our software' which is just big fancy words for 'we use a search algothrim to do things' but I feel there are practical industrial applications of AI. Specifically in the industrial planning stages of factories and using a somewhat faulted fake robot brain to simulation real human faults and actions, for example creating an AI that runs an fire evaquation procedure in different stages like '100% best case scenario' or 'my workers are dumb as shit and don't know where the fire exit is'. So, this is something that's in the pipeline at the moment, I'm currently in the talks with some architectural technicians to get their information on planning fire exits and also how software like this would benefit them.
wow loads of words so far, its almost like I'm just chatting shit to my computer and it's dictating it. Anyway's, we have moooore factories. so this next one was a fun one to develop really. This one was entirely down to time pressure, it will eventually be revisited in the future, but for now this is it really. The main thing I really wanted to capture and convey from this environment was the gross and desolate feeling environment, all the toxic moth balls and kicked up saw dust in the air to create that atmospheric environment. Along with the procedural windows, I'm really proud of them ok leave me along yeah (it's literally just a SubUV node with different dirt materials which frame is set to the wold x*y position, basic stuff really).
Finally, I just got playing around whilst at home and wanted to do something completly off topic so I made this Noir style scene of a New York/ American intersection. No real motive to it, I just watched goodfellas and was in that mood really.
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